On July 25th 2009 the Amendment on Law on Historic Preservation and Heritage Conservation entered into force (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2009, no.97, item 804). The Amendment relates to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Subsidies supporting archaeological explorations and documentation of those, in case when private persons or organizational units plan to carry out construction works in direct vicinity of an immobile historical monument, registered or placed on a list of objects covered by conservation plans in accordance with arrangements of the Area Development Plan, or listed in registry office of the Provincial Heritage Conservator, or ground works or change of hitherto prevailing activity in area where archaeological monuments are located.
Subsidy will be granted if cost of planned exploration and documentation does not exceed 2% of overall costs of above-mentioned operations. This regulation applies also in case when in process of realization of above-mentioned activities an unexpected discovery of another unknown archaeological monument occurs. In such a case the newly discovered monument must be registered in registry office of the Provincial Heritage Conservator, who determines the scope and sort of future archaeological explorations. The amount of Subsidy is a difference between the costs of planned explorations and documentation of those and the costs constituting 2% of total value of investment:
SUBSIDY = cost of exploration and documentation - 2% of total value of investment.
Among those who cannot qualify for the Subsidy are organizational units belonging to sector of public finances, including local governments, even in case they are subjects to be involved in realization of above-mentioned activities. Operations co-funded by European Union, European Economic Area Financial Mechanism or Norwegian Financial Mechanism are also excluded from Subsidy for archaeological explorations and documentation. Applications for the Subsidy should be submitted to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Calculation of costs of archaeological works is based on decision of territorially proper Provincial Heritage Conservator, who determines the scope and sort of archaeological works. Costs of archaeological works are calculated individually for each investment. In areas included in National Heritage Register, archaeological researches must be conducted.
- So-called archaeological monitoring, i.e. archaeological researches conducted in form of monitoring. Generally an archaeological monitoring should be stretched over any type of line investment, such as e.g. terminals of electrical grid, water supply system, gas piping, sewerage system or waste facility, as well as diverse terminals of buildings, road construction and modernization. Cost of archaeological monitoring will be assessed according to daily rate or quantitative rate (for running metre or kilometre), depending on size of the investment and time estimated for its completion. It has to be mentioned that only after a meticulous archaeological monitoring the need for emergency archaeological survey may occur.
- Excavation researches of preceding or emergency character. Researches conducted before the investment operations get started, at archaeological sites registered or placed on a list of objects covered by conservation plans in accordance with arrangements of the Area Development Plan, or listed in registry office of the Provincial Heritage Conservator. We distinguish also so-called emergency researches that may be considered necessary if archaeological monitoring over an investment realization proves so. Cost of these researches, together with the study on their outcomes is calculated with respect to 1 are (100 sq m) of surface and varies depending on the localization of the site: in the city, village, cemetery or other.
- Archaeological sounding is performed whenever the necessity to determine the scope of the archaeological site occurs. In municipal complexes archaeological sounding is performed in order to determine the primary layout of land boundaries. For exploratory (surface) research archaeological sounding is performed in case when the site is inaccessible like, for example fallow lands or woodlands. Costs of these works are calculated with respect to 1 are (100 sq m) of surface.
- Research during the investment. It may happen that an investor during the investment reveals a previously unknown archaeological monument. In such a case, according to Article 33, paragraph 1 of the Law on Historic Preservation and Heritage Conservation, an investor is obliged to immediately report this fact to the Provincial Heritage Conservator or the Mayor. Subsequently, within 3 days since the receipt the notice, Provincial Heritage Conservator is obliged to examine the object and place of its discovery, and take appropriate decisions on the conduct of archaeological research. The cost of this work is dependent on the decision taken by the Provincial Heritage Conservator with respect to the sort and scope of research which may be either the excavation, archaeological sounding or archaeological monitoring.
- Exploratory research of surface or surface- sounding character. Usually they are provided for road investments and large line investments which require the analysis of the project's impact on the environment. Purpose of such a research is to verify the existing archaeological sites registered under the AZP (Polish Archaeological Photograph - more information available on the website of National Heritage Board of Poland: www.kobidz.pl) as well as sites that could not be localized in course of previously performed exploratory research. The major objective of these works is to provide an investor with the most accurate field examination in order to avoid downtime in project realization. Cost of exploratory surface research is calculated according to quantitative rate, usually referring to a current kilometre and the cost of surface-sounding exploratory research is a combination of quantitative rate and crocheted one, relating to the size of a surface area where excavations are planned or necessary. Area is calculated in acres.